Monday, July 30, 2018

Do you like Pokemon?

My website is here.

Do you like Pokemon, a kind of famous Japanese games?

Many Pokemons have the different names between English and Japanese.

Did you know that?

For example, Bulbasaur  is called Fushigi-dane (フシギダネ) in Japanese.

It means "mysterious seed".

Also, Ivysaur is Fushigi-So (フシギソウ) , which means "mysterious grass".

And Venusaur is Fushigi-Bana (フシギバナ), "mysterious flower".

The word フシギ (fushigi, 不思議) means mysterious and strange.

It's interesting, isn't it?

If you'd like to know more, please feel free to ask me.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Hi Everyone!

My website is here.

Welcome to my blog!

I am Atsuko, a freelance Japanese teacher.

I am going to write about Japanese language, Japanese culture, and myself.

Hope you'll enjoy them.